Several weeks after the date, my brother mentioned Sarah’s offer. Being 38 weeks pregnant, I was excited to have another ultrasound, another chance to peek at my little boy. Sarah worked me into her schedule and performed the ultrasound which measured my baby at 34 weeks. I wasn’t too worried about it. After all, Sarah was just a student and had probably made an error.
The next week I explained to my OB that I had an ultrasound which measured my baby 4 weeks too small. I remember clearly the look on his face. His eyes got big and he looked very concerned. Immediately he ordered another ultrasound. I walked across the parking lot to the hospital where a team of sonographers performed another ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that the cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck.
I was placed on the list to be induced that day. I went home and got ready to go to the hospital.
In the evening, I was called in. We arrived at the hospital at about 7:00 pm. Within a half hour they had started the pitocin and my labor began. The labor progressed steadily and they gave me an epidural which didn’t work! The contractions were really hard. Dr. Isaac broke my water and within an hour I was pushing. The fetal monitor showed that with each contraction the baby’s heartbeat significantly decreased. The medical staff turned on panic mode and after 15 minutes of pushing, suction cups and many prayers, S came into this world at 2:30 am! He looked great! 5 lbs. 15 oz, 18 inches!
In the evening, I was called in. We arrived at the hospital at about 7:00 pm. Within a half hour they had started the pitocin and my labor began. The labor progressed steadily and they gave me an epidural which didn’t work! The contractions were really hard. Dr. Isaac broke my water and within an hour I was pushing. The fetal monitor showed that with each contraction the baby’s heartbeat significantly decreased. The medical staff turned on panic mode and after 15 minutes of pushing, suction cups and many prayers, S came into this world at 2:30 am! He looked great! 5 lbs. 15 oz, 18 inches!
It wasn’t until delivery was complete that the Dr. realized that not only was the cord wrapped around his neck.... it was also in a knot. Everytime I had a contraction, the knot would get tighter and tighter. Little S was starving!

Today, S is tall. He is smart, athletic, caring, thoughtful! He is so much more than I ever was at his age. I am a proud momma to say the least!