I honestly wish I could freeze time. I love July! I love spending time with family... parades, picnics, fireworks. I love my kids at this age. S and I ran another 5K on the 4th. S got a PR and first in his age group. LOL. H ran his first One-Mile race and did great. Carl played in his final Softball game. I love Crew at this age. He is still so cute and huggable. I really can't stress enough how I don't want him to grow up. I worry so much about the future with him and right now I can still pack him around. He loves all the little things like fireworks and firetrucks:) LOL. If it's loud it's exciting!!!

My Dad was kind enough to drag his tent trailer up into the mountains for a one-night camping trip. High-Creek canyon is beautiful. There is always water to be found and today we saw lots of butterfly's and squirrels. The 3 boys had a great time tromping through the water and making lots of noise.

Mental note: Wet rocks are slippery. Right after I handed the camera to DH he stepped on a giant rock and next thing I knew he was on his back. OUCH! It had to have seriously hurt. Aside from a sore back I think DH is okay and the camera bag was soaked but the camera survived.

Crew and I walked through the Creek until my feet were so freezin' cold I couldn't stand it anymore then after they warmed up a bit we'ld walk it again and again:) I forgot how motivating water can be for a 3 year old. I was just wishing Crew's PT could be there to give me some pointers. Ha, Ha! On the other hand, it's nice to just play and not worry about disabilities and therapy. Did I mention how I wish I could F-R-E-E-Z-E time?
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