Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Waterpark and Baseball

The boys are at a fun age! Monday we spent the day at Cherry Hill riding the slides and swimming. We packed a cooler full of goodies and made a day of it. Crew was able to stay home with Grandma and while we did miss him it sure was nice to be able to spend some "quality" time with the older boys. They really needed it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Flowers at the swings

In honor of Evan Kamida's life... I'm posting these pictures of the flowers at the swings.
Vicki- thanks for sharing your little boy with us. While I wasn't able to meet him in person I feel like I know him and my life has been enriched because of it. Wishing you and your family peace and comfort at this time.
For more pictures visit FlickR
The inspiration for this gesture comes from a piece that Evan's mother, Vicki

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Small town stuff

The last three days was spent hanging with family. I was lucky enough to have 5 of my 6 siblings all together with their children and grandpa and grandma. (Sorry, pics are in no particular order)
We celebrated the state holiday with a small town parade, fireman's foam, fireworks and good food.
I took my boys to the cannery on Friday and we helped my brother and his girls. We did carrots, onions, powdered milk, and potato flakes.
Saturday was the family swim day at the pool. Ah, I have cute nieces and nephews- don't I!

Monday, July 21, 2008
The DAM Race

After running the race I was too lazy to walk the block back to my van to get the camera and so S and I don't have any pictures this time. Just a picture of the shirt, "I survived the DAM race". I love it!
That evening we went back to enjoy fireworks and I snapped a couple photos of my boys with their glow sticks. I don't know why the green glow stick looks like it is 3 feet long.... just another great feature of my $100 cheapo

Oh, and for strictly journaling purposes I ran the 4.7 miles in approximately 42 minutes and S came in at 45 minutes. S received a medal for placing 1st in his age group... shocked the pants off both of us and made it well worth the pain;)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Botox again
I've been running on my broken toe since this happened. Earlier this week I was giving Crew a ride on the scooter and in my attempt to balance to two of us I must've put too much pressure on my knee... it's been bothering me since. My plans to run the "Dam Race" aren't looking too good. I went out for a test run this morning to see how my knee would feel and it didn't really bother me during the run but my ankle did. Hmpfhh! Maybe my ankle is over compensating for the toe and my knee. However, I've decided to run it anyway. Tomorrow is my first ever non-road race. I'm excited!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
100 Loaves of Bread

I'm not the owner of an IPOD or an MP3 player and so when I go out jogging its just me and my thoughts. I started singing "100 bottles of beer on the wall" in the van the other day while we traveled to swimming lessons.
The boys asked me what in the world I was talking about and I found out they have never heard the song. LOL. We use to sing it on the school bus. I explained to them the advantages of singing that song in my head while running because you almost never make it all the way down to ONE.
They were very disturbed about the "beer" part of the song. I don't drink... in fact, I've never even tasted alcohol! So then we changed the words to "100 bottles of lemonade" and they felt a lot better about that;)
Today I baked my 100th loaf of wheat bread this year. I wasn't really counting... don't worry I'm not that anal:) It's just that I purchased 100 bread bags and I made it to the bottom of the pile. The neighbor boys mom makes her kids hot PB&Honey sandwiches in the sandwich maker. Isn't she cool! Sometimes it's PB&Marshmallows. I'm thinking PB&chocolate chips sounds like a good treat. Next time I go running I'm going to think about this post but for now..... time for a slice!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
All-Stars Tournament

Monday, July 14, 2008
Love this book!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Big Boy Tricycle

Seriously, I am thrilled with how well he is doing on it and hearing him giggle with each push of the pedal is enough to convince me that we will do whatever it takes to get him one.
Every kid deserves a bike, Yes?
Independence Day

I was finally able to convince my family to join us for our community parade and skydivers. Grandpa and Grandma, Nate and Andrea, Ken and Kristin, and cousins too! I hope they enjoyed hanging out as much as we loved having them here. We came back to my place and had a barbecue, watched the toddlers swim in our little pool and visited. The guys found themselves at the golfing range.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to convince them all to stay for our neighborhood fireworks. The neighbors spend tons of money every year and are generous enough to share the fun with us. Crew loved watching and he gets a huge kick out of the really LOUD ones. It was fun watching him clap and kiss after all the big ones.
On Friday we found ourselves at the pool. It's our third year to take advantage of the Saturday FREE swim for families of those with disabilities. We even brought our
friends with us and they all had fun. Crew LOVES the water! He kicks his little legs and smiles a lot. We had a little lunch at the park afterwards and spent the rest of our cash at the batting cages. We all had tons of fun and the best part is that Crew fell asleep on the way home which never happens.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Eyes and Ears update.

Dr. reported that he will look out of his right eye if his left eye is covered but as soon as he uncovers the left his righty turns in. Crew will be having eye surgery again in another month. He also mentioned that if he needed tubes in his ears we could schedule that for the same time eliminating a second sedation.
We called ENT and they were able to squeeze us in at that time. Seeing ENT at the Childrens Hospital is a first for us but it will be worth it. Sure enough the ENT confirmed that he does need to get another set of tubes so we will be doing that at the same time as the eye surgery.
I asked about getting an ABR at the same time and so that is scheduled as well. The last ABR showed an increased hearing loss. We are curious as to whether that will be the trend or if the progressive hearing loss was a one time thing.
Until then, I'm hoping to squeeze in some fun this next month. I still have not taken my kids to the pool, gone hiking, camping, the zoo... NATTA!