In preparation for Crew's IEP, I have been thinking a lot about where he is developmentally. It's frustrating because it seems that he has regressed a bit in his communication.
Part of the problem is that we always know what he wants and we give it to him without really expecting him to request it appropriately. I've been more aware of this recently and have been spending more time prompting him to sign or verbalize.
Other than speaking "mom" 100's of times a day and "dad", I would say Crew's most often used word is "HUGS". He uses it in the plural form which is so cute. It's not set in stone but it looks like the school district is going to start using augmentative communication with Crew. I've held off with this for a while because I didn't feel like he was ready. However, the past month has been really hard. Crew has been very irritable. I don't know if he is hurting or just frustrated. I'm hoping that developmentally he is ready for this new communication method. My thought is that he will likely take one look at the communication board and throw it on the floor. Let's hope for more! *sigh*
What a darling picture! I hope everything goes well with Crew. You are doing such a good job.
ReplyDeleteYou're killing me. Totally killin me. Did you know that?
ReplyDeleteHa. Cute picture of C.
what a darn doll.
IEP info. PLEASE. Good heavens.
Good luck, you are doing a great job with him, and he's such a darling little boy!