After PT we headed to Crew's audiology appointment where we discovered that his tubes are clogged and he has negative pressure in his ears again. A follow-up appointment with the ENT today confirmed that the tubes are bad. They will probably fall out soon. The tubes aren't functioning at all but the ENT didn't think it was affecting his hearing. He suggested doing surgery again to remove the tubes and put new ones in. I wasn't happy with the suggestion so the doc said we could wait. I just worry that Crew has so much going on right now. We have multiple appointments each week and we are tweaking his seizure meds too. I am pushing to get the casting done so we can start Intensive Therapy at NOW I CAN.
S and H tagged along for these appointments and we also went to the AT lab on campus to pick up his wheelchair but missed getting there before closing. I realized that I had never taken the boys to my old campus. We didn't have time to walk around (maybe soon) but I did treat with Aggie IceCream. S asked me if I bought icecream there when I was attending college and I just laughed and said, "No, I was too poor". LOL. It's hard to believe I couldn't afford a $2 IceCream cone.
Friday night was also our ward Trunk-Or-Treat and Chili cookoff. I was so stressed out by the time we got there that I didn't even try the Chili. I decided to put shoes on Crew for the first time since his casts were removed and he did well walking (with support) from car to car. He loved filling his Elmo bucket with candy. The ward members were great about acknowledging him and praising him for walking. The treat bucket has become his latest toy. He plays with the candy a

Saturday I ran a 5K with S. The course dropped down into the campground and then back up a long hill, through town and along the south side of the lake, through a swamp and back to the church. S lost me on the first hill. I'm fat and lazy and he is young, competitive and athletic. S came in 18th over all! Amazing for a 10 year old! I was 26th (2nd in my age group). Thats okay with me... 26 is my lucky number;)
H ran the Kids K. I was impressed with how fast he ran it. I believe he came in 5th or 6th overall. They gave all the kids medals and S earned a medal too!
Carl and I attended Stake Conference on Saturday night. It was so uplifting! I felt the talks were written just for me. We had a babysitter and it was nice to sit and listen and not worry about anything. Afterwards Carl and I went out to dinner. I
had the Maddox sampler and Carl had steak and shrimp.

Sunday was our Regional Conference and since we have over 6000 members in our Stake (we are splitting next month) we can't all fit into the building at once. Our Stake was invited to the Dee Events Building to hear the speakers. We were almost late and just as we walked in they opened up another section and we filed down almost to ground level. I was sitting right on the end just a few feet from President Henry B. Eyering, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and Elder Snow. Just before it started, President Eyering turned toward me, made eye contact and smiled. Oh, it made me so happy:) Crew was great about sitting through the whole thing (Halloween candy comes in handy):) I wish I had the talks in writing. I loved the messages but wasn't able to take notes and I have a very short-term memory.
The weekend continues today and tomorrow. The boys are out of school until Wednesday. I had the rare privelege of spending some time with S and H after Crew went to sleep tonight. We played Uno and it was amazing that everyone was getting along and having fun. Yeah!