Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Straight arms

Crew doesn't really like to be on the floor. Usually, when I set him down on all fours he kinda cries (because it hurts) and collapses down to his belly. Just this week, he started tolerating it more. He looks so good with his arms up tall and straight. His OT is just thrilled with his bearing weight through his arms (especially his right arm which is weaker). She explained that his pushing down on his hand and wrist will help him a great deal with fine motor skills. It is a great exercise for strengthening the muscles in his hand. However, we are still working with Crew to get him to move to this position on his own. He needs to be able to push up to this position from his belly. Who ever knew what a huge milestone that would be? I know it will happen one day... it all takes time, work, and more time! We'll get there!


  1. Hi, I happened on your blog through Lisa's site (I think!) and I wanted to say our little boys are so similar!!! CP, blonde hair, glasses and the reverse walker! It's almost like looking at Jack :) WAY TO GO Crew for bearing that weight on those hands! We know how important it is!!!! You go big guy!!!

  2. Okay, I know I'm new to your blog, but WAY TO GO! He's such a cutie!


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