It's been crazy around here. On Saturday, Crew was playing soccer in his powerchair and somehow his lapbelt came undone. His foot caught on the wheel and as he is falling out of the chair he instinctively holds onto the joystick to keep from falling. So, as you can visualize he basically ran over himself. I worried all weekend that something was broken and he has a very large bruise (about 6 inches long) up his right leg. His foot is swollen. His PT suggested x-rays since he isn't able to verbalize and could have decreased feeling in his feet (due to the CP).
On my way home from therapy he started seizing. It confirmed my suspisions of other seizure activity on the way to therapy. Carl took us to the ER where they gave Crew an IV with valium, checked his blood levels, x-rayed his foot and leg (while sedated on valium) and sent him home. His valproic acid levels are in the upper therapeutic range which indicates something else may be going on. The neuro was contaced and we've increased his dose for now.
Today he was suppose to be at school but I decided to spend the day with him. I can't tell you how thankful I was to be with him when he needed me.
I'm tired.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
SLC 5K and Half Marathon

H didn't decide until the night before to run the 5K. Carl had already prepared mentally to run hard so we thought it wouldn't hurt to ask Grandma to run with H. If you know my mom it isn't a surprise to hear that she agreed to do this.
Since I was running the 1/2, I wasn't able to watch them run but Carl finished in time to snap a couple photos. Grandma said H ran the whole way. H's response, "Grandma walks as fast as I run". Nothing like honesty:)
We are so proud of H and Grandma. This is H's 2nd 5K and Grandma's 1st. We promised H he could walk if he wanted to but apparently

Grandma claims her only training consisted of a recliner and a remote but truly she is a natural athlete.
This was a 2nd for me and a 1st for S. We stayed in the Marriott and got up early to catch the shuttle. We left the hotel at about 5AM and visited with some of the other runners as we were waiting for the shuttle. We met several really cool people. The bus

By the time we got down to Liberty Park we were really starting to feel it. I re-fueled with Gu and S ate some Sports Jelly Beans and a bite of his Cliff bar. That seemed to help and the next couple miles were a blur. When we hit the hill on State street I was tired. I told S we were going to call dad at mile 12 and walk for just a few seconds but he said, "NO MOM". Uggh! The hill was tough and just before I crested the hill I dialed Carl's cell. It was all I could do to mutter, "Mile 12" and hang up. Hitting the top of the hill was a great feeling. We turned and we could see the Gateway. We didn't know where we were going once we got to the Gateway and were a little surprised to find out we had to wrap around the block one more time. The plan was to run through the Finish together but S had a little more umpff left in him than I did and he crossed 2 seconds in front of me.

I'm sporting 3 large blisters and many sore muscles. S didn't get a blister or anything. Lucky guy!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
H built this tower out of popsicle sticks. They were allowed up to 100 popsicle sticks and limited to only Elmers glue. His tower held the most weight! We stacked up all the weights they had... 101 POUNDS and it was still standing strong.
I think I see an engineer in the works!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
May 2, 2009
Brigham City Smith's
100% of proceeds benefiting PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER
A $15 entry fee or $50 for a family of 4 (includes free t-shirt). $20 after 4/18/09 with no t-shirt guaranteed. Race will begin at 8:00 AM. Day of race registration and packet pick-up will begin at 7:15 AM. Race will begin and end at Smith's parking lot (156 S Main, Brigham City)
The Kids and I ran it last year and had a good time. I love this race because I know my money will go to a good cause. We love Primary's! In fact, we were there again today. Crew received botox injections in his gastrocs. Dr. Rehab, our physiatrist, talked to us about the possibility of "trying" medication to help Crew with his moods. This came up as he was screaming and hitting me in the face while I attemted to have an intelligent conversation with the doc. Normally I wouldn't consider it but after 4+ hours of screaming today I'm thinking medication doesn't sound so bad.
**Email me if you want the mailing address for registration. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter 5K

Carl signed us up for a 5K on the base. We had no idea the Easter bunny was going to be there! Because we didn't have a babysitter I decided to sit it out this time and take care of Crew while Carl and S ran. I'm glad I went along... I don't think Crew was too impressed with the bunny though.

Carl also did really well. A year ago I would have never thought he would be a runner but he has really enjoyed it the past few months.
H stayed home with his grandparents. He really wanted to go to an egg hunt but with the 5k it just didn't happen. Bummer
thing is they were having a huge egg hunt after the race.. we just didn't know.

I tried to get Crew interested in the hunt but it just didn't happen so we skipped out before it started.
Do you think they will wear their shirts?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Rough week, month, or year?

I can't really say when it started but I've been getting his attitude for awhile now. I'm very discouraged.... and tired.
It's one thing to pack your kid around and to constantly be guessing what he needs/wants but its another thing to regularly get smacked in the face in return.
The frustrations of being non-verbal cannot be articulated. he he. Really... I just don't know what to do anymore.
The frustrations of being non-verbal cannot be articulated. he he. Really... I just don't know what to do anymore.
Fortunately, I was able to get him asleep early tonight. Our spring break starts now and I am hoping we can have some pleasant moments. PLEASE!!!
S and H and I have been enjoying a few moments of silence around here. Ah, so nice. I better get in bed cause my night shift starts soon. Bleh.
Monday, April 06, 2009
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