Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Appointments Appointments
I've had so much to say this week but no time. I guess that is how the game goes. On Tuesday, we had Crew's 4-year Well Child Check. It almost seems silly to go to the Dr. for that when we are always at the Dr. anyway. Crew weighed in at 27 lbs. He is below 3% for weight and between 5- 20% for height. I'm just glad he's on the chart:)
On Wednesday we made two trips to Logan. When we arrived for our morning PT appointment the PT told us he had Strep. He said he had been on antibiotics for 30 hours but could be contagious for another 6 hours. He let us decide if we wanted to do PT. I decided to play it safe and leave but I could tell Crew really wanted to swing. I ended up staying and swinging with him by myself for 45 minutes. Sheesh, I'm really glad I drove over for that.
Later that night I hauled the kids to Logan again for a party put on by the Therapists. We were able to meet some of the other kids and their families. They had food catered by Panda Express and a carnival for the kids. Crew was really motivated seeing so many kids in their walkers and he buzzed around the place for awhile playing basketball, PLINKO, bowling, fishing and the Cake Walk. The Cake Walk was his favorite. He probably walked around that circle twenty times!
On Thursday we took Crew down to the Childrens Hospital for Botox. He got 8 injections this time. He did really well. Carl came and we discussed the Baclofen Pump with the Dr. again. We will probably go this route eventually. The question is when. I really want to fatten him up a bit before we take that route.
I made the trek to the Childrens Hospital again on Friday. Crew had his 6 month Opthalmology followup. His right eye has been turning in. We have to patch for a couple hours everyday for 2 months and then we will look at having another eye surgery. We patched him when he was just one and didn't have problems but now he is four! How will we ever keep that patch on him? If anybody has any experience or ideas let me know. He cannot be bribed because developmentally he just doesn't "get it".
On Friday night I made the trek back to SLC but this time it was for pleasure. One of the drug reps that comes to our office took the office to dinner at Flemings Steakhouse. Honestly, I'd have to say it was p
robably the nicest restaurant I've ever been to. I had the Petite Filet Mignon ... so yum! Carl took work off and we'll chalk it up as an early birthday dinner for me.

Today I survived another Blue and Gold Banquet with the Cub Scouts. We put on this skit. The boys laughed their heads off . We also had a couple pinatas which generated some good laughs.
There is so much more to say but I'm ready for this week to be over already.
On Wednesday we made two trips to Logan. When we arrived for our morning PT appointment the PT told us he had Strep. He said he had been on antibiotics for 30 hours but could be contagious for another 6 hours. He let us decide if we wanted to do PT. I decided to play it safe and leave but I could tell Crew really wanted to swing. I ended up staying and swinging with him by myself for 45 minutes. Sheesh, I'm really glad I drove over for that.
Later that night I hauled the kids to Logan again for a party put on by the Therapists. We were able to meet some of the other kids and their families. They had food catered by Panda Express and a carnival for the kids. Crew was really motivated seeing so many kids in their walkers and he buzzed around the place for awhile playing basketball, PLINKO, bowling, fishing and the Cake Walk. The Cake Walk was his favorite. He probably walked around that circle twenty times!
On Thursday we took Crew down to the Childrens Hospital for Botox. He got 8 injections this time. He did really well. Carl came and we discussed the Baclofen Pump with the Dr. again. We will probably go this route eventually. The question is when. I really want to fatten him up a bit before we take that route.
I made the trek to the Childrens Hospital again on Friday. Crew had his 6 month Opthalmology followup. His right eye has been turning in. We have to patch for a couple hours everyday for 2 months and then we will look at having another eye surgery. We patched him when he was just one and didn't have problems but now he is four! How will we ever keep that patch on him? If anybody has any experience or ideas let me know. He cannot be bribed because developmentally he just doesn't "get it".
On Friday night I made the trek back to SLC but this time it was for pleasure. One of the drug reps that comes to our office took the office to dinner at Flemings Steakhouse. Honestly, I'd have to say it was p

Today I survived another Blue and Gold Banquet with the Cub Scouts. We put on this skit. The boys laughed their heads off . We also had a couple pinatas which generated some good laughs.
There is so much more to say but I'm ready for this week to be over already.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Precious Little Boy
This is something that makes me cry. If you have a minute read about little Kaden. He has touched so many lives already. If you are the praying type- say a prayer for him and his family.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Nature Deficit Disorder

If you suffer from "Nature Deficit Disorder" may I suggest bundling up and spending a day in the snow to soak up some rays. Oh, and don't forget to chalk one up for exercise too!
We enjoyed lots of bright sun on Monday and I think it even got above freezing. We were all actually pretty hot and were about ready to ditch the coats.
It was our warmest family ski day so far! These three guys are getting pretty good considering it's really their first year of skiing. However, don't refer to S or H as beginners... they get offended. LOL.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Peeping Tom
We have a "Peeping Tom" in our neighborhood- isn't that nice! Two incidents that I know of within the last week all within the 2 square blocks surrounding my house. I just don't understand how someone could be so freakin' messed up.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I've never really been great with this holiday. I'm a big time procrastinator and by the time I get to the store the pickins' are slim. So... this is what I came up with for Crew's classmates:
Oh, and something for the teachers and bus driver and bus aides.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today the RS Pres and her counselor came by for a visit. We got on the subject of Crew and how we feel its good for other kids to be around him. There is so much to be learned. Every person has talents and abilities and something to share. I think his friends are "getting" that.
One of the other neighbor kids (not pictured) rides the bus with Crew. She is one of the mainstream kids at his preschool. The day of Crew's birthday, when I stepped on the bus to get Crew out of his seat I could hear his little friend singing "Happy Birthday Crew". It made me so happy and she told her mom that they sang to him the whole way home. *tears* At church we have a hard time keeping Crew quiet. I was sitting with him in his Sunbeam class while the teacher tried to give her lesson. Crew started his famous happy scream which was slightly disruptive and some of the kids in there don't quite know what to think, with which Aubrey replied, "That means he's excited"! Ah, I love moments like that!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Random Gratefulness
I can't help but be grateful for today and considering that it is Monday I'd have to say it wasn't too bad. It was a balmy 45 degrees today which is a huge improvement from last Monday. Crew's appointment with the ENT went better than expected. I knew that his tubes were plugged and I expected the Dr. to suggest surgery to have new ones put in place. Instead, he thinks they will fall out soon and requested a follow-up in April.
I was able to get some cleaning done, make S (who was home sick from school) a music mix CD with fun songs, take a power nap, and get some reading done.
S and I worked on Scouting together and everyone was happy with the Scones I made tonight.
Happy Monday!
I was able to get some cleaning done, make S (who was home sick from school) a music mix CD with fun songs, take a power nap, and get some reading done.
S and I worked on Scouting together and everyone was happy with the Scones I made tonight.
Happy Monday!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
How Many of Me
Either I'm really really special... or NOT! | ||
Friday, February 08, 2008
Opinionated People

I've had experiences in my past where I've let others' opinions change some of my life altering decisions... and it sucks! Consequently, it makes me a bit testy and as I get older, I am less and less tolerant of those who think they "know it all". So when Crew's respite worker, who wears a size 24 (and weighs twice as much as I do), told me that exercising on an empty stomach will ruin my metabolism, it was all I could do to turn around and walk away.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
4 Years old on the 4th

I am so thankful for Crew's spirit. He is a blessing to our family. I've said it again and again, "What would we do without Crew in our family". He is the icing on the cake. He completes us.
Yesterday I spent the day with Crew... with him calling the shots. He really wanted to go down to the lodge and practice walking and climbing the stairs- so that is what we did. We also took him to Wingers because.... well- he likes their popcorn. I'll tell ya... it's the little things that count:)
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Running all day
Okay, so I did my run early today. SEVEN MILES! It doesn't sound like much when comparing it to the women over at Marathon Mommies but for me it was a stretch. It took me 68 minutes so maybe that isn't really considered "running". Ten days ago I could barely run 3 miles so I feel good about it. I ran all of it on the treadmill while watching a documentary on President Hinckley. It really helped keep me going. There were times during the show that I was so touched by something President Hinckley said that I would get choked up... and then I had to breathe deep or die. It's really hard to run when you are crying. I'm very thankful for this challenge because it really made me reflect not only on the life of Gordon B. Hinckley, but also my own life. I can clearly see what it is I need to be doing... where I am falling short and where I am struggling. There are so many things! It makes me want to "try a little harder, be a little kinder, be more prayerful", say I'm sorry more.... I have so much to work on.
H and I were able to attend a Baptism today for the neighbor boy. It was nice to go and feel the peacefulness of it and see how happy little Jaron was. Then, we came home to watch the funeral and then back to the church again to clean. Our ward is in charge of cleaning the church this year and so I signed up last sunday before I knew there would be so much going on today with the Baptism and the Funeral too. S and H loved cleaning the church. I wish they would get that excited about cleaning my house. H helped me sweep and mop... oh and entertain Crew. S and Carl vacuumed. Another couple in our ward (they are expecting their 3rd boy... lol) were there cleaning too. We had a good time. H said he wanted to do it every Saturday:)
S had a basketball game. He was able to score 6 points... but they lost by one basket:( Then I was off shopping for Crew mans birthday. Two haircuts, dinner, baths, bedtime basketball (always), grocery shopping, phone calls... Good night.
H and I were able to attend a Baptism today for the neighbor boy. It was nice to go and feel the peacefulness of it and see how happy little Jaron was. Then, we came home to watch the funeral and then back to the church again to clean. Our ward is in charge of cleaning the church this year and so I signed up last sunday before I knew there would be so much going on today with the Baptism and the Funeral too. S and H loved cleaning the church. I wish they would get that excited about cleaning my house. H helped me sweep and mop... oh and entertain Crew. S and Carl vacuumed. Another couple in our ward (they are expecting their 3rd boy... lol) were there cleaning too. We had a good time. H said he wanted to do it every Saturday:)
S had a basketball game. He was able to score 6 points... but they lost by one basket:( Then I was off shopping for Crew mans birthday. Two haircuts, dinner, baths, bedtime basketball (always), grocery shopping, phone calls... Good night.
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