Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Eve

Sunday was a nice relaxing day. After church we had plenty of time for naps, wrapping last minute gifts, and Carl and S even took a walk. The boys made cookies for Santa.

Christmas Eve traditions also include: Reading "I Believe in Santa Clause", an eye opening comparison of Santa to Jesus. We talked about the life of Jesus and also his birth. The book also includes the meaning of the Christmas symbols, such as: the star, bows, wreaths, etc. It was fun and I was amazed at how much the boys already know and understand.

We had our traditional opening of one gift from Carl and I. S & H received robes and Crew some new jammies.

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  1. So cute!
    I love the jammies and the robes-- and the picture is adorable!

  2. their jammies are adorable, have a great new year!


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