I can't believe this guy is 10 years old already! Every birthday brings back the fond memories of H's birth. The labor and delivery were a breeze compared to the other two. I'll never forget the first words out of the nurse's mouth, "He has a full head of hair and a dimple". Ah yes, we were in love!
H brings much fun and laughter to our home. He is a joyful boy, carefree, and quick to forgive.
As of late, H has been the one who can get Crew calmed down at bedtime. Often I am too exhausted (and there is still so much to do by nightfall) that I am unable to spend the time getting Crew to sleep. H will take Crew into the bedroom and go through a nighttime ritual where they talk to Mickey Mouse and wrestle before laying down to sleep. I don't know how he does it but its working for him.

All H really wanted this year was to have a sleepover with his 3 best friends. These 4 boys play together all the time so it is really no big deal to have them over. They watched "Twilight" and "Bedtime Stories", jumped on the tramp and had cake and icecream. I love low key parties, yes I do!
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