The whole purpose of this trip was to run the Provo River 1/2 Marathon. I've been looking forward to it since I registered last March. Unfortunately, my ITB issue kept me from running it. It was just going to be S, Carl and I running but since I wasn't participating we brought H along too!

H and I didn't show up at the finish line until a little after 8. We got to see the first place finishers cross the line. I always get a tad bit emotional at races. Racing has been in my blood since high school. Plus, knowing my 12 year old was out there running 13.1 miles just adds to those emotions. It was hard not participating but it was good to spend

Carl and S stayed together for the 1st mile and then S pulled ahead. I was worried about him running alone. I didn't know if he would be able to pace himself well enough to have something left at the end. We waited at the 13 mile marker and when he came around the corner I was so excited. He looked good and strong and he was. S finished with a PR of 1:54:04. I was trying to find S in all the crowds and I missed Carl finishing in just over 2 hours. It was his 1st half marathon and I think he was pleased with his time. Both of them had a good experience. They said the course was beautiful and very much downhill.

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