Friday, December 29, 2006

Shriners- December 27

Crew had his first appointment with Shriners Hospital on Wednesday. We are so blessed to have this awesome Orthopedic Hospital so close to us. The entire staff was pleasant and treated our family great. Upon arriving, Crew received an X-ray of his hips. This is something that we are suppose to have done every year but I've been putting it off and its almost been two years. His hips looked great.

Then they sent us to a room to have his molds made for new AFO's. He has already grown out of his second pair. The AFO's give him the support that he needs for weight bearing and keep him from "toe walking". I've been stressing about how to pay for another pair of braces and am so thankful for our acceptance to Shriners as it is a FREE hospital.

Also, Shriners is accepting Crew for weekly therapy. I was not expecting them to offer such great services. However, with him moving out of the Early Intervention program I am thrilled at the opportunity to continue getting great services. This is just an example, again, of how things work out when you least expect them too. I am so thankful!


  1. It was lovely to see you at Shriners.

    It is one amazing place. I am so glad to see Crew get the services that he needs.

    I really have great hopes for Ethan and Shriners.

    I'm glad you have that now for Crew too. Isn't it amazing how those miracles just flow in, when you least expect them?

  2. That's wonderful. You are such a deserving family and I am sure it gives your heart much peace for Crew to have a new world opened up to him.

    Good luck. You are blessed.

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Oh, isn't it wonderful when you can find the help you need!?
    I'm glad Crew can get the help, and you don't have to worry about the money aspect of it!
    My son is signed up with them, so we got a pretty Christmas card from them...they seem like such a wonderful place! :)

  4. I'm so happy that you've found such a wonderful place. Blessings truly are amazing.

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    That is awesome!!I'm so happy for y'all!


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