Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Time Together

The weekend was great! Carl had 5 days off and we played hard! From roller coasters to swimming, fireworks, parades, and boating. We are all exhausted, yet happy. We were able to spend time with cousins. So fun! It's going to take a few days to get these kids back on a normal schedule. Oh whatever, that's what summer is for, right? We came back from playing on the 4th of July to find that Carl's precious peach tree had been broken off during a wind storm. Our little pool gone. The neighbors flag pole tipped over and a giant Russian Olive tree lay across the road. Oh, and apparently, we missed our garbage day! Who knew! Don't those hardworking guys ever get a day off! Well that's enough from a tired, rambling mother of 3 boys!

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering about you guys!

    I am so glad you had a good holiday!

    Arn't those the things dreams are made of.

    Sorry about the tree.


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