Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Crew's therapist brought us some new equipment- a creepster crawler made by the Assistive Technology lab at USU. After Crew's gym class we came home and tried it out. He loves it. After going up and down the hall 4 times around the kitchen table and around the bar a few times he seemed to be getting the hang of it. At first he wouldn't use his legs much but by the end he was moving them forward one at a time and pushing off with his foot. I just help by putting my hand by his foot so he has something to push against and yelling out "LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT" like a drill sargeant. It sounds mean but he likes it and it helps him stay focused. He still needs to learn how to kind of push off with his knees. My knees were sore by the time we were finished.

We are loving the "Signing Time" DVD's. I've learned a lot and so has Stockton and Hunter. Yesterday while we were watching, Crew signed "hat" and "glove" which I thought was interesting because we haven't exactly been working on those words.

I love the song on DVD 6 "I'm Really Good". It has these cute kids with special needs and my favorite is the little boy who is running across the ball field in his little walker while she sings "I'm really good at running". So sweet!

Here is a quote from a mom whose son has CP and cystic fibrosis: "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it." Jodi Hansen



  1. He is so stinkin cute! What a picture!

    Ethan LOVES his crawler, although it isn't as effective now as it was when we got it (Christmastime), but he really does like it. I need some kind of a strap to keep him from trying to *roll* off of it.

    He is SO close to crawling. I hope he can *get* it, someday.

    I am curious to knwo what you're doing for school?

    E will go into the BESD or USDB in December. We're just starting transition. UCK. Scared to death!

    Crew's a little older? right?

    I AM TERRIBLE with ages, names and dates.

  2. Thanks for the comments, Lisa! Crew is a Feb. baby. I was planning on sending him to BESD but don't know what other options we have.

    It's kind of scary to think about it. Let me know how the transition schooling goes. Good luck!

  3. he is adorable.


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